March 31st-April 1st an event is taking place in Dallas considered the most important networking experience in the cannabinoid industry.
Together, Delta 8 Magazine and CBD Health & Wellness Magazine are bringing the industry together. During the event, the two magazine powerhouses are brought to life – and educating leaders in the industry is the focus of the event.
For more than a decade these respected publications have led the way in the way, providing those involved with the required knowledge to keep growing industry leaders running. This will be the 25th event on the Expo Tour, with the purpose to connect shop owners with other professionals, including physicians, researchers, and other related experts.
What is the CBD Expo?
If you’re in the CBD or Delta-8 industry, CBD Expos are the most important events to attend. Growers, doctors, and other leaders paving the way come together to solve problems, and honestly address what’s hindering anyone within.
Think of the event as a place where you can meet others with like minds, build connections, and accelerate your knowledge of what’s really happening. The quality of people you’ll be in contact with could be the deciding factor that either makes or breaks your business. Knowing the right person is often the key to success and ultimately determines how an individual or company is received within a given industry. The online CBD world is no different, building connections and supporting others is essential to business sustainability.
That is why companies who are serious about being major contenders in the space will absolutely be at these events. DopeSEO for example, and the company founder and CEO Max Juhasz will be attending the event. While at the event Max will be speaking and providing important information on how his company helps CBD websites grow and establish themselves as legitimate companies. He will cover difficulties and solutions that he’s discovered, information your company could learn from. Max is just one of the many speakers at the event providing his insights on how the industry can progress in the right direction, specifically in the realm of marketing and promotion.
How Will I Benefit from the CBD Expo?
By attending the event you’ll meet the right people. Companies at this event are the ones who will lead the way, determining what direction the CBD industry moves in. The ones who are here will be noticed, and connections made could be the missing link between where you’re currently at and where you want to end up. More than that, you’ll not only make connections, but you can help solve problems everyone is facing together.
The key to keeping this industry alive is us working together, being supportive of businesses of all sizes and scopes. Any industry advancement, whether CBD or other is only as strong as the relationships within it. Relationships built at the expo are the ones that will create the leverage needed to see the industry expand.
Who Should Attend the CBD Expo in Dallas?
Companies and individuals who want to learn about the CBD or the Delta-8 industry. Not only CBD Companies or Delta-8 providers should attend the event, but marketers and those with experience online in any area could benefit from attending. It’s a tough gig online, many of these websites are missing the tactics and skills to properly promote their store or manage the website correctly. These websites need experienced marketers and advertisers, copywriters, and analyst who understand how the internet works. It’s vital we get as many experience individuals to these expos in order to build the teams needed to keep companies alive and growing.
Delta 8 and CBD Expo Dallas in Conclusion
The industry is new, growing and moving forward. Exhibitors from across the country will attend. During the expo expect to meet the CBD industry leaders, the ones who are going to set the ground rules for what’s to come. You will also learn exactly what’s happening in the industry and what to expect in the coming months and years.
A lot is happening right now in terms of CBD, Delta-8 and even THC, this expo will be the foreground of what’s to come. The CBD, Delta-8 Expo is the staging ground that the leading websites and companies involved will use to build the future of it all. If your goal is to become a respected leader in the industry, the CBD Expo in Dallas is an event you will not want to miss.